Friday, December 18, 2009

The Rocker

When I was young I did not have a Rocker when I had my baby we were living with my In-Laws. I did not have a nursery as he shared our room with us. I was 19 when I gave birth and I was marred. It was hard starting out like so many other couples that have a family so young. Money was tight and we needed a hand from our parents. My parents still had children at home so we lived with my In-Laws.

I had always wanted a nursery for my baby. We shared a room with a bed our dresser and a crib when we started out. I did not actually have a nursery until I had my daughter TerryLynn. I had always wanted a Rocker and in this nursery I had one for my daughter. It was old all wood and was given to me. It was one of the best gifts I have ever gotten.

We used the rocker all the time, I would rock Terrylynn to sleep at night as my son played at my feet. My husband was a firefighter and worked shift work. So I raised our babies alone it seems as he was working 14 and 16 hour shifts. It was very hard at times but we did it. She is 27 now with her own little one Erica and we still have the rocker. Now we share it with Erica for story time she is now 4 and loves to have someone read to her. Grandmom thats me gets to even have stories read to me as Erica is now learning how to read in preschool. An I get to sit on the floor while Erica sits in the rocker and reads to me. Its so cute. I have wonderful memories of the times I used to rock my babies in that rocker. My son now 30 and my daughter 27 still sit in the rocker at time.

My Rocker was one of the best gifts I ever got. Purchase a rocker and please tell me how much you love it. Holding your baby so close and rocking them is so wonderful.

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